Steamed artichokes

1 or 2 artichokes
1 lemon or 1/4 cup lemon juice or vinegar

Cut off or trim end of artichoke stem. If desired, snip thorny tip off each leaf. Peel woody outside off stems so they can be eaten with the heart. Wash artichokes, taking care to shake out excess water so they will not be soggy when steamed. Cut artichoke in half. Half an artichoke is usually enough and it is easier to do this before cooking. Cover exposed surfaces with lemon juice to prevent browning.

Place chokes in a vegetable steamer, covered, over boiling water. Steam for 35 to 45 minutes, depending on size. The artichokes are ready when one of outer leaves can easily be removed. Serve with home made mayonnaise or hollandaise sauce.

Serves 2 to 4.

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