Pears Poached in Wine

2 pears, halved, peeled and cored
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
2 cups red wine
1/8 cinnamon stick
2 star anise pods
50g sugar
150ml water
10g honey
1/4 vanilla pod, halved
Ice Cream, to serve

1. Sprinkle the prepared pears with the lemon juice to prevent them from going brown.

2. Pour red wine into saucepan. Place remaining ingredients in pan.

3. Put pear halves into pan. Bring to the boil, then simmer briskly for15 minutes. Leave the pears to cool down in their cooking liquid, preferably overnight.

4. Drain the pears and set aside. Boil the syrup until reduced. Pour into bowl and leave to cool.

5. When the syrup is cool, serve pears over ice cream and drizzle with syrup.

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